Stauper has developed and patented a suite of technologies that allows operators a low-cost and efficient solution for produced water challenges.
Staupers offering is based on a well-proven and established principle of gas flotation. Utilizing a unique gas in water mixer and the Stauper Coalescence Chamber (SCC), Stauper improves separation and degassing due to a unique water flow control and pattern.
The technology is supplied as a retrofit kit for existing vessels as well as in standalone skids for de-oiling and degassing of produced water.
Stauper first patented technology was a the Stauper Compact Flotation Unit skid which has been accepted as Best Available Technology for removing dispersed oil from produced water.
The Stauper CFU Skid is compact, maintenance free, scalable, and proven to treat produced water down towards zero ppm oil in water.
Retrofitting of existing vessels with Stauper Coalescence Chamber will allow operators to improve separation efficiency and flow capacity in a short time and with a significant lower cost than installing new process equipment

Accepted and Qualified as Best Available Technology by leading operators in around the world.
Removes up to 99.5%
of oil in the water
Discharge down
towards 0ppm
Flexible, stable &
removes solids
Our Technology Advantage
An important differentiator to the Stauper CFU is the water flow control through the patented Stauper Coalescence Chamber (SCC).
Stauper has also developed, patented, and commercialized a solution for bringing the SCC into other water separation vessels in order to solve produced water quality requirements and debottlenecking challenges. A low-cost, time efficient way of upgrading existing equipment.

Full Scale References
Headquartered in Norway, Stauper serves international markets through a network of partners and local representatives. Stauper has a wide range of references, including skidded solutions and retrofits.
The following installations are under contract: